2016 BoD Elections Notice

NPO JALT National Board of Directors election time has rolled around once again and so we ask that you take a moment to support the candidates who you would like to see directing the course JALT will take during the next two years. Please take a few minutes look over the candidates’ statements in this issue. [Note that at the time of this writing, there is no candidate for Director of Records.] The statements of any subsequent candidates nominated for Director of Records will be accessible at <http://jalt.org/general/2016-bod-nominations>. 

Since voting in JALT elections is now done online, voting has never been easier, and we are hoping for participation in record numbers from our members. 

How to vote: 

If your membership is current, you will be receiving an email containing a link to an individualized ballot. Click on the link to directly access the ballot. This email will be sent on 22 September 2016. If you have any questions or do not receive an email with the link, please contact membership-office@jalt.org. Alternatively, you can access the online ballot at <http://jalt.org/general/2016-bod-elections>


The voting period will end on 6 November 2016 at 12:00 a.m. (midnight). 

Thank you for your continued involvement and support. 

David Gann, NEC Chair nec at jalt.org