The 47th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition will be held from 8th to 12thApril 2013 at the ACC in Liverpool, UK.
The preliminary conference brochure is now online at
The brochure contains general information, details of the Pre-Conference Events, and the revisedspeaker proposal criteria and guidelines.
The online booking form is now open at for delegate bookings and for speaker proposal submissions.
Please read the conference brochure before going online to book for the conference.
If you wish to submit a speaker proposal, please ensure you read the revised speaker proposal criteria and guidelines. In direct response to delegate feedback from the annual conference in Glasgow, there are a number of changes this year to the formats and length of sessions. The Speaker Proposal Information, Speaker Proposal Criteria and Speaker Proposal Guidelines have all been substantially updated and revised to reflect this. This means that, even if you are an experienced presenter at the annual international conference, you need to read all the information, criteria and guidelines carefully before going online to submit your proposal. The deadline for speaker proposal submissions is Thursday 13th September 2012.