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Dale T. Griffee, Seigakuin University

(The Research Forum is a new section which gives scholars an opportunity to
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Martin (1978, p. 186) states that the going to form is used when the speaker
has objective evidence. In the sentence, "Look at those clouds, it's going to
rain,n the evidence is the clouds. Aitken (1990, p. 70), however, says the
structure depends on the kind of evidence. If the evidence is concrete, going
to is used, but if the evidence is rational or mental, then will is used. Her
example of the second kind of evidence is the sentence, "I will be sick (if I eat
any more)" (p. 70). Lewis (1986, p. 81) says in cases where the speaker is
looking forward to something, the going to fonn is used and both external and
internal evidence are admissible. Sheen (1991, p. 5) says that time is crucial.
If the decision is made at the moment of speaking, will is used. If the intention
is decided beforehand, going to is used. Aitken (1990, p. 5) agrees with Sheen
that the time one makes the plan is crucial, but goes on to add that the degree
of certainty is also important. Thomson and Martinet (1986, p. 187) seem to
agree that will is used to indicate the intention at the moment of decision,
adding that will expresses stronger determination whereas going to is used for
intention and prediction; however very often either fonn can be used. CelceMurcia
and Larson-Freeman (1983, p. 67) continue this line of thought and
suggest that will is the true fonn of the future, but give examples that suggest
that will or going to can be used interchangeably. Haegeman (1989, p. 309)
clearly states that no hard and fast rule is possible or even desirable because
at the sentence level there is no clear distinction between the meaning of will
and going to. Clearly there is no consensus on these issues.