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Phillip R. Morrow, Nagoya Gakuin University

This paper examines the role of English in Japan from the World Englishes (WE) perspective, concentrating on two issues: the implications of WE for English education, and the status of Japanese English (JE) as a variety of English.  An overview of WE is followed by a discussion of its implications for English teaching in Japan.  Important implications include the need to familiarize students with multiple varieties of English and to encourage them to regard all varieties, including their own, as valid.  In this connection, the status of JE is discussed and research findings are cited to support recognizing JE as an independent variety of English.

この論文では、“World Englishes“(WE)の観点から、二つの関連した問題を検証する。すなわち、(i)WEが日本の英語教育に対して果たす役割、および、(ii)英語の一形態としての “Japanese English “(JE) の位置づけである。