Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
- by Antony Cominos, Editor
- Can a Knowledge of Japanese Help our EFL Teaching? by John R. Yamamoto-Wilson
- Teaching Speaking: Suggestions for the Classroom by Robert Sanborn Brown & Paul Nation
- A Modified Version of Redundancia -- An Approach to Education in Intercultural Communication (In Japanese) by Muramatsu Mieko
Special features
- TESTING: Test Purposes by Greta J. Gorsuch
- CREATIVE COURSE DESIGN: A Syllabus for Teaching Cross-Cultural Communication by Steven L. Rosen
- EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS: Teacher Portfolios for Evaluation: A Great Idea or a Waste of Time? by James Dean Brown & Kate Wolfe-Quintero
- LANGUAGE TEACHING AND THE INTERNET: An Introduction to the World Wide Web by Tim Newfields & Steve McGuire
Readers' views
- College Credit for High School Work? by Monty Vierra
My share
- A Report: My Share Live! at JALT 96 by David Kluge
- Katakana is not English by Sandra J. Smith
- Whispers by Steven Templin
- Words Will Travel 1 & 2 reviewed by Robert Gee
- The Newbury House Dictionary of American English: An Essential Reference for Learners of American English and Culture reviewed by Ron Grove
- On the Write Track (2nd ed.) reviewed by Paul Binford
- Getting Started in Public Speaking reviewed by Glenn D. Gagné
- More Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Movement Activities for EFL Students reviewed by Sean Bermingham
- Marathon Mouth: A Cooperative Learning Book for Large Classes reviewed by Wilma Wilcox
- Weaving It Together Book 2 reviewed by John Jones
- OnLine: The Fast Route to Fluency reviewed by Errol MacDonald
- Conducting Tracer Studies in Adult Language and Literacy Programs reviewed by Howard Doyle
- Contrastive Rhetoric: Cross-cultural Aspects of Second-language Learning reviewed by Duncan Dixon
- Family Album, U.S.A.: Classroom Video Course, Book 2 reviewed by Sandra Ishikawa
- Culture Connection reviewed by Amy D. Yamashiro
- Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education reviewed by Heather Bolichowski
- Recently Received compiled by Julien Whitney
- JALT News
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