Issue No.:
Groups audience:
The Language Teacher
Note: As digital versions of this issue of TLT do not exist, some material is not available online (see bottom of page for material available online). Paper copies of articles can, however, be purchased from JALT Central Office.
- by Antony Cominos, Editor
- The Role of Schemata in ESL Reading Comprehension by Ahmad Abu-Akel(This article has been temporarily withdrawn pending review by the JALT Publications board. For information contact the Editor)
- DVD: A New Medium for Language Classrooms? by Vernon Chun
Special features
- Educational Innovations by Steve McCarty
- Innovation in Teacher Education and Research in Japan edited by Tim Murphey & Andy Barfield
Conference features
- University of Reading: Alan Tonkyn
- Heinemann: Adrien Underhill
- Heinemann: David Paul
- Prentice-Hall: Toyama (in Japanese)
- Oxford: Tom Hutchinson
- Longman: Rod Ellis
- Great Books: Carol Browning & Jerald Halvorsen
- employment issues forum
Research in progress
- The Culture of Learning and the Good Teacher in Japan by Gregory Hadley and Hiromi Yoshioka Hadley
- 1996 IATEFL Affiliate Liasion Report by Gerald Couzens
My share
- The Calculator Game by Brian Perry
- Karaoke Movies: Dubbing Movies for Pronunciation by William Naoki Kumai
- Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language reviewed by Michael W. Morgan
- Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language reviewed by Judith Tatters
- E-Mail for English Teachers reviewed by Steve McGuire
- LogoVista E to J reviewed by Rory S. Baskin
- The New Dossier Pack 1 reviewed by Ricard R. P. Gabbrielli
- Developing Writing Strategies reviewed by Amie Ogasawara
- The Power of Reading reviewed by Robert Fetter
- Reward: Pre-intermediate Student's book reviewed by Chieron McMahill
- Fifty-Fifty Book Two: An Intermediate Course in Communicative English reviewed by Kathleen Shimizu
- JALT 96 Conference
- JALT News
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