* = new listing; ! = final notice — Final notice items will be removed on April 30. Please make queries by email to the appropriate JALT Publications contact.
Books for Students (reviews published in TLT)
Contact: Julie Kimura — jaltpubs.tlt.pub.review@jalt.org
Bedside manner intermediate: An intermediate English course for nursing—Capper, S. Perceptia Press, 2024. [This new coursebook builds on the basics of English of Bedside Manner Beginner and aims to help learners acquire the essentials for the workplace while increasing awareness and understanding of medical English vocabulary through puzzles and games. Supplementary materials, including audio, can be downloaded through the publisher’s website.]
* Breakthroughs: Japanese women entrepreneurs—Tanner, P. 2024. [This coursebook comprises 20 chapters based on 20 Japanese women entrepreneurs. Each chapter begins with a dictation exercise, followed by a vocabulary exercise, which helps students prepare for a 600-word reading passage. Chapters end with comprehension and discussion questions.
! Case studies in business innovation: Readings for discussion—Benevides, M., Valvona, C., & Firth, M. Atama-ii Books, 2023. [This coursebook is for English learners at the CEFR B1 level and higher. It comprises 30 case study readings and supporting tasks. The material supports task-based, as well as project-based approaches, and is also suitable for a business English course.]
Colour your English! Learning collocations by colouring in—Hirschman, S., & Alton Bautz, A. Perceptia Press, 2023. [Language learners dream of being able to join in with everyday conversations in real-life contexts, but it can be difficult to remember the words you need and use them naturally. This book offers a unique way of noticing, recording, and activating useful collocations: the basic building blocks of language. Each of the 12 units is centered around a location in a town, and in each unit, students review and extend collocations with common verbs and nouns while practicing listening and speaking skills.]
Eat well! An introductory English course for nutritionists (4th ed.)—Jones, R. E., & Simmonds, B. Perceptia Press, 2024. [This 12-unit coursebook aims to provide English training to university nutrition majors. Topics include mechanics of nutrition, as well as global nutrition issues, including obesity and malnutrition. Each unit contains a reading passage, listening tasks, and language exercises. An e-learning component is available through the publisher’s website.]
! From student to community leader: A guide for autonomy-supportive leadership development—Watkins, S., & Hooper, D. Candlin & Mynard, 2023. [This book is a guide for autonomy-supportive leadership training, which can be applied to any field where learners become empowered leaders. The principles and activities aim to foster and sustain student-led leadership communities that prioritizes learner well-being, ensures everyone’s voice is heard, and builds a positive climate that is conducive to learning.]
! Linguistic soup: Recipes for success (2nd edition)—Caraker, R. Perceptia Press, 2020. [This new edition of the CLIL-based applied linguistics coursebook for EFL classes integrates the content of teaching methodology and SLA theories with task-based reading, writing, listening, speaking, and vocabulary exercises. This book is written for students interested in increasing their proficiency and their knowledge of principles of language teaching and learning.]
Talk a ton: Speaking power—Spiri, J. 2024. [This coursebook for Japanese learners of English includes readings on comprehensible topics that form the basis for a variety of communicative activities. Learners can practice ways of exchanging information through discussions and interviews.]
* The yellow sticker girl—Gudgeon, S. ELI Readers, 2023. [This graded reader is about a girl from the north of England whose family has big problems. Themes of the story include family, food waste, poverty, and bullying. In addition to the story, there are post-reading activities to support comprehension, as well as productive language skills. CEFR A2. Audio download available.]
! 学習意識改革ノート:外国語を自律的に学ぶための3ヶ月プログラム—加藤聡子、善永美央子、2024.「8つの法則で学習の核心を学び31の ワークで自分と向き合い、スケジュール帳で行動と感情を記録。」
Books for Teachers
Professionalising English language teaching: Concepts and reflections for action in teacher education—Cirocki, A., & Hallet, W. Cambridge University Press, 2024. [In order to promote the professionalisation of English language teaching, this book presents a comprehensive model of language teacher education and competences for the 21st century. The authors propose that teachers engage in professional learning through collaboration and shows how teacher educators and classroom practitioners can develop their practice.]