Reference Data:
Haruyama, D. (2024). Using the MOTHER model to enhance teaching. In B. Lacy, P. Lege, & P. Ferguson (Eds.), Growth Mindset in Language Education. JALT.
Based on the results of class surveys and classroom observation, the author noticed that there was something in her teaching that needed to be improved. The author decided to conduct an action research project guided by Kurt Lewin’s model (planning, acting, observing, reflecting), in order to reflect on her teaching and understand the reasons behind the problems exhibited by students. To address these problems, the author developed the MOTHER model (management, overall language learning, teams and tasks, hands-on activities, engagement and encouragement, and relaxation) and applied it to her English classes to create a better learning environment and enhance student motivation.
授業観察及び授業観察に裏打ちされた授業アンケートの結果から、自分の授業には改善すべき点があることに気づいた。Kurt Lewinの実地研究モデル (計画、行動、観察、反省) に導かれた研究企画を実施した。自身の授業を振り返り、学生の授業態度の背後にある理由を抽出し、授業の問題点を解決し、授業の改善を行った。より良い学習環境を作り、生徒のモチベーションを高めるために、筆者独自のMOTHERモデル (management, overall language learning, teams and tasks, hands-on activities, engagement and encouragement and relaxation)を英語の授業に適用した。