Reference Data:
Nishimura, A. (2024). Developing communicative competence through strategy training. In B. Lacy, P. Lege, & P. Ferguson (Eds.), Growth Mindset in Language Education. JALT.
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) revised the Courses of Study in 2018, and methods of assessment and teaching have been changing toward communicative teaching that integrates the four skills. This paper examines how Japanese high school students perceived the usefulness of communication strategies (CSs) and how they responded to them. It also explores whether there were differences in the learning of CSs across proficiency levels. The results suggest that students learned from each other through conversation practice and that when CSs were taught, students overused them at first, but this tendency gradually decreased. In addition, by transcribing recorded speaking tests, some students became aware of grammatical errors. This study suggests that teaching CSs effectively develops the communicative competence of students at different proficiency levels.