Michael Phillips

I would like to take this opportunity to explain the changes being planned for the SIG Focus (SF) column starting with the next issue of TLT. In short, the column will broaden in scope and transition to become “JALT Focus” (JF).


Column History

Readers may recall the November 2022 issue of SF—the time when I assumed control of the column. In that article, one of the first SF editors, Robert Morel, explained how this column had begun in mid-2015. Initially, it was co-edited with Joël Laurier until he finished at the end of 2019, and then with Satchie Haga from the start of 2020.

Prior to the 2015 transition, astute long-term readers may recall the precursor column which was simply called SIG NEWS. That column provided SIG information, news, updates, and reports for many many years and was edited by (among others) Mary Hughes, James Hobbs, and James Essex before finally being managed by Jennie Roloff-Rothman. Jennie maintained the column until May 2015, when the general SIG overviews and news transitioned online, and the more specific and detailed SF articles began.


Current Status

Since then, the main remit of the column has been to publish “an in-depth view of one SIG each issue, providing readers with a more complete picture of what these groups believe and do.” As explained during the 2022 handover, SF also began to highlight the increasing degree of collaboration between SIGs, the other parts of JALT, and outside organizations—a natural evolution from the COVID-19 period. Further, the series began to increasingly focus on various personal perspectives of SIG involvement and later issues aimed to develop readers’ understanding of the collaborative efforts between diverse groups both internally and externally to JALT.

Over the past nine years, the number of SIGs available for members to join has grown from 26 to 32, with some folding and others emerging. Recent SF articles have covered the newest of these, and analysis shows that this column has now effectively run through the full list of actively formed SIGs. This is indeed a proud achievement, and even though communication issues led to one SIG not participating despite repeated attempts, the exclusive focus here on SIGs is now at a crossroads.

As I see it, there are two main questions to consider: Should the column continue in its existing format, retaining the same approach, and simply begin cycling though the current SIG list again, or is there now a chance for a reimagining and repositioning of the column? For me, a change is opportune, particularly as I mentioned back in my 2022 introduction, “The future of the column is therefore likely to incorporate a wider perspective on JALT’s groups too”.


Future Directions

The May/June TLT will therefore mark the beginning of a reimagined column simply called JALT Focus. Sad the SIG Focus column is ending? Fear not! As Jennie stated during her own handover, “Like a phoenix from the ashes of one column rises a new one!” This new column will give a more in-depth view of one chapter, SIG, or other JALT group each month, providing readers with a more complete picture of the different entities and goings-on within JALT.

Astute readers will no doubt be aware of the current JF content available on the main website (https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/jalt-focus). For the time being, past SF columns will remain available at https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/sig-news and the email for the column will remain as jaltpubs.tlt.sig.focus@jalt.org until the transition occurs. After that, links with a “jalt-focus” tag will become the main way to connect to the new column.

Please stay tuned for upcoming articles, particularly ones linked to the wider remit that JALT encompasses, providing readers with a more complete picture of what different groups are undertaking and achieving. JALT currently has 64 groups spread out across Japan. Many of these are active, holding regular events, both large and small. In addition to these “visible” groups, there are many other officers and committees that keep the organisation running smoothly from behind the scenes and it will be good to also hear from them as well.