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JALT2024 Conference Committee

How to Register

You can register online, by postal payment (postal furikae), or onsite. We encourage you to take advantage of the lower preregistration rates by registering by 31 October 2024. Please note that presenters MUST register by 1 October 2024 to remain in the program. Please see the rates on page 7 of this TLT.

If you register online or by postal payment, a Conference Acknowledgement will be emailed to you. Please bring proof of your acknowledgement to the conference site to exchange for your name tag and conference bag. If you have not received your acknowledgement by 1 November 2024, please contact the JALT Central Office at If you register after 1 November, please wait 24 hours for processing, as we will be in final preparations for the onsite conference and will be very busy. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Preregistration can be done online or by postal registration, but not onsite.

Regular registration can be done online or onsite, but not by postal registration.

Regular registration will be offered online throughout the conference. It will also be available at the conference site from 15 November 2024, 5pm–7pm, and throughout the remaining days of the conference. VISA, MasterCard, JCB, and American Express will be accepted. Please bring your membership number to register at member rates.


Discount Details

1) Regular Attendees

If you pay your conference registration fees by the 2024 preregistration deadline of October 31, you qualify for the lower registration rates. If your JALT membership is valid through 18 November 2024, you are entitled to member rates even if you pay for your membership at the same time as registration.


2) Senior Members of JALT and Full-time Students

The discount system works as follows:

Senior Discount

If you wish to apply for the senior discount, you must be a JALT member. There are a range of membership options available. For more details, see

If you are not a JALT member and will become a member and register onsite at the conference, a copy of an ID that has your date of birth on it will be required.

If you are already a Senior JALT member and your membership is valid through 18 November 2024, then you don't have to submit any further documentation.

If you have another type of JALT membership you will need to provide proof of age.

Student Discount

If you are a full-time university student and wish to apply for the full-time student discount option, you must provide proof of full-time student status before registering or on the day of your application.

If you are already a JALT student member and your membership is valid through 18 November 2024, then you don't have to submit any further documentation.

There are two ways you can verify your full-time student status (Student ID Card is NOT acceptable):

Submit the JALT Verification of Full-time Status form. Download it in English or Japanese (PDF format). See for forms and updated information.

Submit a document in English or Japanese that has your university's letterhead on it and states you are a full-time student.

To Apply

Documents should be sent to JALT by email to for online or postal registration. If you wish to register onsite, please submit documents at the Onsite Registration desk. Without correct documentation you will need to pay the regular registration rate.


Important Notes

1. Preregistration

Deadline 31 October 2024 (Please note that presenters MUST register by 1 October 2024 to remain in the program). Postal payments must be postmarked up to the 31 October 2024 deadline. No applications postmarked or submitted online on or after 1 November 2024 will be processed at the preregistration rates. The postal payment system is not designed for regular payments so if any postal payments sent after the deadline are received, the sender will be charged an extra handling fee of ¥2,000 and be billed for the full regular registration rate.


2. Preregistration for Presenters

Presenters must pay their conference fees by 1 October 2024, (postmarked or online). Failure to do so may result in their presentations being canceled.


3. Conference Registration Acknowledgement (confirmation) by email

After your application to register is processed, a Conference Acknowledgement will be emailed to you. Please bring this message to the Preregistration Desk. If registering by postal registration, be sure to print your email address clearly. No acknowledgement will be issued on paper or be sent by post.


4. JALT Junior Program

Main conference participants are entitled to attend the JALT Junior program at no extra charge. Participants who register only for the JALT Junior conference are entitled to attend all the JALT Junior presentations and all the main conference plenary presentations, but not the other main conference presentations. JALT Junior participants will also receive a conference bag and are invited to attend the Friday Night Welcome Reception and Michele Steele Best of JALT Award Ceremony.


5. Cancellation

Cancellations will be acceptable only if received in writing (postal mail or email) by the JALT Central Office (JCO) before the following deadlines, and are subject to the following cancellation charges:

  • By Friday, 1 November 2024, 5 pm: Cancellation charge 30% of Registration Fee
  • By Monday, 11 November 2024, 5 pm: Cancellation charge 50% of Registration Fee
  • No refund will be given for any cancellation received after Monday, 11 November.

Late refund requests that arise due to exceptional circumstances must be made in writing to JCO and will be dealt with at JALT’s discretion. Please use the Cancellation Notice and provide full details, including bank name, branch name, account number, and account name. The refund due, less the cancellation charge, will be paid into the registrant’s bank account by bank transfer after the Conference. If your bank information was not provided at the time of cancellation, the refund will be made by postal money order.


6. Balance Due

If there is any outstanding balance due, the JCO will contact you with details on how to complete payment. Your registration is not officially complete until all balances are settled. You will also receive such a note if your membership expires before 18 November 2024. For smoother processing, please pay your membership fee at the time of registration.


7. Receipt

A receipt bearing the official JALT seal can be issued by request here. Receipts will be sent by post, unless requested otherwise. Please indicate any specific instructions for the receipt. It is advisable to retain any receipt issued by the post office or the printout of your online registration confirmation. You will need to be able to provide proof of payment to support any inquiry to the JCO regarding any payment or refund.


8. Travel Reservations

The JCO will not accept payment for hotel or travel reservations, nor will it be responsible for any mistaken payment of these. Please make reservations at your own initiative, or book through our agent, JTB Global Marketing and Travel Inc. See page 33 for more information.


9. Photography and Video

JALT has a conference video and photo team. These volunteers will be taking photographs and video for JALT editorial and publicity purposes. If you do not want your picture taken, please try to alert the photographer or videographer. We will try to use as much discretion as possible when taking photos and videos.