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Melodie Cook, University of Niigata Prefecture

In this exposition, Melodie Cook, the incoming Book Reviews Editor, outlines how book reviews have been evaluated and written in the past and how JALT Journal is currently making an effort to provide reviewers a platform through which to exercise their critical skills, as well as provide a more interactive experience for readers to engage with book reviews. At the end of the exposition, she provides guidelines for future book reviews to consider when writing book reviews for JALT Journal as we move forward.

この解説で著者は、書評の歴史を簡単に説明し、なぜ書評がこれまでそれほど真剣に受け止められてこなかったのか、そして書評を知的対話の場としてどのように活用できるのかを述べている。書評をより批評的で双方向的なものにするための根拠を示した後、JALT Journalにおける今後の書評のガイドラインを提示している。

Keywords: book reviews, critical reviews, critical book review guidelines