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Thomas S. C. Farrell, Brock University

In this invited paper for Expositions in the JALT Journal I will address all aspects of reflective practice for TESOL teachers so that readers can consider implementing it in their daily practice in Japan. The paper outlines and discusses what reflective practice is, why it is important, when, and how language teachers can do it. More specifically I outline and discuss two different frameworks I developed for teachers wishing to reflect on their practice that I developed over the past 30 years. The first is an early framework I developed has five interrelated components and is useful for groups of teachers coming together to reflect on their practice. The second more recent framework also has five interrelated stages and suitable for individual teachers as well as groups when wishing to reflect on their practice. I believe that both frameworks may be useful for teachers to consider when wishing to engage in reflective practice in Japan.

Keywords: language teachers; reflective practice; TESOL