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Andrew Obermeier, Kyoto University of Education

This research investigated two aspects of second language learning: how implicit knowledge develops through explicit learning and how this is affected by multiword expression compositionality. More specifically, the experiment investigated how flashcard learning affected the implicit knowledge development of literal and figurative expressions. As these two types are composed differently, it was hypothesized that their implicit knowledge development would likewise differ. A lexical decision task was conducted in a masked repetition priming experiment to measure implicit knowledge gains, and response time data were analyzed in a linear mixed-effects model with participants and items set as random effects. Results showed that flashcard learning affected the implicit knowledge development of figurative and literal expressions differently.

Keywords: explicit learning; flashcards; implicit knowledge; interface; multiword expressions


キーワード: フラッシュカード、明示的学習、暗示的知識、複単語表現