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Eleanor Smith, Aichi University; Thomas Amundrud, Nara University of Education; Jackson Koon Yat Lee, Toyo University; Quenby Hoffman Aoki, Rikkyo University

At the JALT2020 International Conference, the Code of Conduct (CoC) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committees deliberated on issues of equity for and representation of members within JALT. The topics of discussion included (a) wider representation, (b) native-speakerism, (c) professional development opportunities, (d) diversity and equity in teaching contexts, and (e) the effectiveness of JALT’s current measures regarding representation and inclusivity for present and prospective members. The discussions elicited valuable feedback and proved beneficial in illuminating the way forward. By summarizing the main discussion points, this paper seeks to help JALT members better understand JALT’s efforts to achieve greater equity within the organization and the teaching profession as a whole.
