The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service teachers’ perceptions of teaching English and the reasons behind these perceptions, based on positive and negative learning experiences prior to starting their pre-service teacher education program. The participants were 200 Japanese pre-service teachers in an English teaching methodology course from five cohorts at a private university between 2015 and 2019. These individuals recorded their reflections on their prior learning experiences in the personal statement section of the JACET SIG on English Language Education’s (2014) reflection tool, The Japanese Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages. The results of a thematic analysis revealed seven categories of learning experience. Moreover, the reasons participants cited for evaluating their experiences as being either positive or negative involved affective, cognitive, and linguistic factors. Teacher educators working in teacher preparation programs would benefit from taking into account the nature of student teachers’ preconceptions about teaching before encouraging reflection on and development of their didactic knowledge.