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Jeremie Bouchard, Hokkai Gakuen University

Applied linguistics (AL) research and practice are critical at their core. To date, AL scholars have surveyed a broad range of language-related issues and phenomena including translation and interpretation, education and literacy, language pedagogy and language teacher education, second language acquisition, language pragmatics, language ideologies and identities, and language policy and planning. This short list reveals both the profoundly humanistic nature of AL as a branch of the social science and the need for AL scholars of all strands to conceptualize their work in social and cultural terms. In this paper, I work from the premise that criticality must be of central importance to our work. From this basis, I then discuss some of the core principles of critical AL research and attempt to raise awareness among JALT Journal contributors and readers of the need to appreciate and engage with the profoundly social and cultural nature of the work we do.


Keywords: critical realism; discourse; ideology; theory