Julie Kimura & Ryan Barnes

A list of texts and resource materials for language teachers available for book reviews in TLT and JALT Journal. Publishers are invited to submit complete sets of materials to Julie Kimura at the Publishers’ Review Copies Liaison address listed on the Staff page on the inside cover of TLT.

Recently Received Online

* = new listing; ! = final notice — Final notice items will be removed on February 28. Please make queries by email to the appropriate JALT Publications contact.


Books for Students (reviews published in TLT)

Contact: Julie Kimura — jaltpubs.tlt.pub.review@jalt.org

Penguin Readers—Penguin Books, 2019. [Penguin Readers is a series of classics, contemporary fiction, and non-fiction, written for learners of English.]

* The hound of the Baskervilles—Doyle, A. C. [Retold by A. Trewin. Sir Charles Baskerville is dead. Can Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson stop the hound from killing again? Level: Starter, CEFR Pre-A1.]

* Tales of adventurous girls—[Retold by F. Mackenzie & F. Mauchline. Four folk tales tell the stories of brave girls from four different countries: Zanzibar, Japan, India, and China. Level: 1, CEFR A1.]

* Boy—Dahl, R. [Illustrated by Q. Blake. Retold by E. Dowsett. The story of the famous writer Roald Dahl when he was a boy. Level: 2, CEFR A1+.]

* Dracula—Stoker, B. [Adapted by H. Holwill. Jonathan Harker visits Count Dracula to buy a house in England. While he is there, he discovers terrible things about his client. As strange things begin to happen in England, Jonathan sees that Count Dracula must be stopped! Level: 3, CEFR A2.]

* Pride and prejudice—Austen, J. [Retold by C. Degnan-Veness. Elizabeth Bennett meets Mr. Darcy, a rich man who owns land. At first, she hates him, but slowly her feelings start to change. Can she fight her pride and find happiness? Level: 4, CEFR A2+.]

* Wuthering Heights—Brontë, E. [Retold by A. Trewin. A man rides through Yorkshire to visit a house called Wuthering Heights, where he learns about Catherine, who lived there years before. Her story of love and sadness still affects those in the present. Level: 5, CEFR B1.]

* New getting into English—Cronin, J., & Bray, E. Nan’un-do, 2021. [This coursebook was written for Japanese learners of English who need to review what they learned in junior high and high school. The text is filled with enjoyable, communicative activities, so students will have opportunities to improve speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills. Audio download available.]

Shape it! It’s your world—Cochrane, S., Lewis, S., Reid, A., Thacker, C., Vincent, D., & Wilson, M. Cambridge University Press, 2020. [Through a combination of learner training and project work, this four-level series of coursebooks helps high school students become more confident and independent learners. Materials include textbook and workbook for students as well as classroom audio, teacher’s book and project book with a digital resource pack.]

! Unlock: Listening, speaking & critical thinking 2 (2nd ed.)—Dimond-Bayir, S., Russell, K., & Sowton, C. Cambridge, 2019. [This coursebook is part of a six-level academic English course informed by research and created to develop the skills that language learners need. Critical thinking training develops skills required for productive speaking tasks. Online audio and video available, as well as a classroom app and an online workbook.]


Books for Teachers (reviews published in JALT Journal)

Contact: Greg Rouault ­— jaltpubs.jj.reviews@jalt.org

* Critical applied linguistics: A critical re-introduction (2nd ed.)—Pennycook, A. Routledge, 2021. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003090571

* Language learning environments: Spatial perspectives on SLA—Benson, P. Multilingual Matters, 2021. https://doi.org/10.21832/9781788924917

* Linguistic tactics and strategies of marginalization in Japanese—Kroo, J., & Satoh, K. (Eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67825-8