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Masaya Kanzaki, Kanda University of International Studies

This study investigated correlations between scores on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test and the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) in an attempt to determine the practicality of substituting TOEIC scores for IELTS scores as a language requirement for English-medium universities. Eighty-four university students took part in the study, and their IELTS and TOEIC scores were analyzed. Significant correlations were found between scores for the same skill on the two tests (r between .50 and .69). When different skill scores were added together, the correlations between the combined scores were even higher (r between .77 and .81). In light of these results, I argue for using the TOEIC as a proxy for the IELTS test.

本研究では、英語で授業が行われる大学への入学条件として、Test of English for International Communication(TOEIC)の得点をInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS)の得点で代替することの実用性を探るため、IELTSとTOEICの得点間の相関を調べた。84名の大学生が本研究に参加し、彼らのIELTSとTOEICの得点を分析した。両テストの同じ技能スコア間には有意な相関があった(相関係数.50〜.69)。異なる技能スコアが加算されると、合計得点間の相関は更に高かった(相関係数.77〜.81)。これらの結果に基づき、TOEICをIELTSの代替として使うことに関して賛成の立場から論ずる。