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Brendan Garland, Asia University

Japanese is a language that accepts a great number of foreign words (known as gairaigo) into its lexicon, and in modern times these words come predominantly from English. However, despite containing a base of thousands of common English words, the study and use of this latent vocabulary to benefit EFL learners has not been fully realized. This paper describes an exploratory study of a short course given to a university EFL class in Japan, which was intended to explore ways to activate learners’ English-gairaigo vocabulary. Students received lessons in recognition of English-based gairaigo, differences between English and gairaigo, and were encouraged to explore their own knowledge and use of gairaigo. Pre and post testing suggested a positive correlation between the course and improvements in some English-gairaigo abilities, and survey results indicated students’ enthusiastic response to acquiring a skill they felt was useful in their English studies.
