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Miriam T. Black, Toyo Eiwa University

Language is not only a tool for communication, but it is also a framework for mental activity. Increased use of language in specific ways with preschoolers can guide them to develop new mental skills such as planning steps for taking action, imagining the future, and remembering details of past events. This article suggests that adults, even those whose first language is not English, can further the development of preschoolers. To that end, it first offers an overview of the importance of language development and explains how it is holistically integrated into learning activities in preschools. Next, the article details techniques early childhood educators (ECEs) and other adults can use to further children’s mental development and introduces activities incorporating these techniques, when engaging preschoolers in speaking English. Finally, it introduces the author’s classroom experience in the practical training of future ECEs as part of a Japanese university’s English language program.
