November 2020
Page No.:
Matthew T. Apple, Alexandra Burke, Greg Gagnon, Winifred Lewis Shiraishi, Tara McIlroy, Kashif Raza and Matthew Vetrini, Akie Yasunaga
- Contemporary Language Motivation Theory: 60 Years Since Gardner and Lambert (1959) (Ali H. Al-Hoorie and Peter D. MacIntyre, Eds.) — Reviewed by Matthew T. Apple
- Early Language Learning and Teacher Education: International Research and Practice (Subhan Zein and Sue Garton, Eds.) — Reviewed by Alexandra Burke
- Reading in the Brain: The New Science of How We Read (Stanislas Dehaene) — Reviewed by Greg Gagnon
- Global Citizenship Education: A Critical Introduction to Key Concepts and Debates (Edda Sant, Ian Davies, Karen Pashby, and Lynette Shultz) — Reviewed by Winifred Lewis Shiraishi
- Creativity and Innovations in ELT Materials Development: Looking Beyond the Current Design (Dat Bao, Ed.) — Reviewed by Tara McIlroy
- Quality in TESOL and Teacher Education: From a Results Culture Towards a Quality Culture (Juan de Dios Martínez Agudo, Ed.) — Reviewed by Kashif Raza and Matthew Vetrini
- Re-Theorizing Literacy Practices: Complex Social and Cultural Contexts (David Bloome, Maria Lucia Castanheira, Constant Leung, and Jennifer Rowsell, Eds.) — Reviewed by Akie Yasunaga