Cooperation with Domestic Affiliate at JACET’s 58th International Convention

The Japan Association for College English Teachers (JACET) held their 58th annual international convention August 28–30 in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan at Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT). Affiliate organizations, this included JALT, were able to attend the JACET Academic Affairs Committee meeting on August 28th. This was a great way to start the three days of conferencing that took place. At the meeting colleagues met and exchanged ideas for how to bring together the various initiatives each organization are doing independently, as a way to not only enhance the individual affiliates, but also build and strengthen bonds between organizations. For example, we reviewed affiliate agreements with the goal of updating them across all groups. Doing so makes working and member relationships stronger and more beneficial. We also discussed how JACET SIGs (Special Interest Groups) could collaborate with other affiliate SIGs. This is something that can immediately be acted upon and made real. Ultimately, the coordination and collaboration between organizations benefits not only our constituent members, but also the language communities that we serve. (A full copy of the minutes of the meeting are available upon request and will be posted in the 2019 conference JALT Executive Newsletter with the Domestic Affairs Committee report.)