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Yoko Uchida, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology; Junko Sugimoto, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo

While there is a general concurrence among researchers that mastery of “intelligible pronunciation” should be the goal of English learners, the notion does not seem to be widely shared among non-native EFL teachers, who often hold the strong belief that teachers should sound like native speakers. To investigate the underlying reasons for this, we conducted an essay survey with 16 Japanese preservice teachers after having them read articles relevant to intelligible English and English as a lingua franca. The preservice teachers displayed ambivalence between native English pronunciation and Japanese-accented English. Some also had misunderstandings concerning “intelligible pronunciation.” Limited communication experience in monolingual classrooms may have prevented them from imagining what type of pronunciation is necessary. We propose that intelligible non-native English samples be presented to preservice teachers in training courses to help them establish their concept of “ideal” pronunciation, which can serve as a model for their future students.
