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Kevin Ballou, Brian Cullen, Imogen Custance, Samar Kassim, Brandon Kramer, Kane Linton, Stephen Pihlaja, Vicky Ann Richings, & Richard J. Sampson

The titles reviewed in this issue are drawn from a broad range of themes related to language teaching, learning, and education. The opening review by Kevin Ballou looks at the use of technology for autonomous language learning outside of the classroom. Second comes a review by Brian Cullen who explores the psychology of teachers, the central figures in language learning success. Imogen Custance reports on English-medium instruction in Japanese higher education from an edited volume of that very name. Samar Kassim takes up a title that outlines the challenges faced by novice English language teachers as collected through reflective practice. In the next review, Brandon Kramer covers a resource introducing second language testing coauthored by Greta Gorsuch and Dale T. Griffee. Kane Linton then reviews a research-based account from Michael Thomas on technology-mediated, project-based language learning. Stephen Pihlaja calls on his experience in stylistics to share the merits of a book that explains the cognitive and functional elements of grammatical constructions found in Cognitive Grammar. Vicky Ann Richings focuses a lens on pragmatics in Japanese linguistics in a review of Mapping Genres, Mapping Culture: Japanese Texts in Context. Finally, Richard J. Sampson, whose own works have been reviewed in JALT Journal (see Vol. 40.1, May 2018), examines an anthology in tribute to Diane Larsen-Freeman and in particular her contributions on complexity theory in language learning.