Julie Kimura & Ryan Barnes

A list of texts and resource materials for language teachers available for book reviews in TLT and JALT Journal. Publishers are invited to submit complete sets of materials to Julie Kimura at the Publishers’ Review Copies Liaison address listed on the Staff page on the inside cover of TLT.

Books for Students (reviews published in TLT)

Contact: Julie Kimura — pub-review@jalt-publications.org

! Discovering Cool Japan — Tsuda, A., Kinshi, K., & Valvona, C. Tokyo: Seibido, 2019. [This text has been adapted from the NHK program Cool Japan. The units are structured into two parts. First, participants go out to report on an aspect of Japanese culture. This is followed by a studio discussion where people from different countries talk about the differences between Japanese culture and their own. In addition to exposing learners to several varieties of global English, this coursebook also develops the ability to convey Japanese culture to the world in English. It comes with mid-term and end-of-term tests as well as mini-tests for each chapter. CD, DVD, and teacher’s manual available.]

Innovation in language teaching and learning: The case in Japan. — Reinders, H., Ryan, S., & Nakamura, S. (Eds.). Tokyo: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. [The series covers recent developments in learner-centered approaches and the impact of technology on learning and teaching.]

Pocket Readers—The following are by Boon, A. Tokyo: Halico Creative Education, 2018.
! The meeting: Book 4. [A graded reader in a business context. In Book 4, as the new employee, you are going to chair your first business meeting.]
! The email: Book 5. [A graded reader in a business context. In Book 5, you have to deal with many emails in your inbox. You are invited to attend an email training workshop.]
! Entertaining overseas visitors: Book 6. [A graded reader in a business context. In Book 6, you are going to look after and entertain two business guests arriving from the United States.]
* First business trip overseas: Book 7. [A graded reader in a business context. In Book 7, you are asked to attend a conference in London, England.]
* The office conflict: Book 8. [A graded reader in a business context. In Book 8, there is a big conflict between you and a colleague at work.]
* The product launch: Book 9. [A graded reader in a business context. In Book 9, you are asked to be in charge of a new product launch.]
* The mentor: Book 10. [A graded reader in a business context. In Book 10, you are promoted to a new position and asked to mentor a new employee.]

! Speaking for Presentations — Robinson, L. Tokyo: Tryalogue, 2019. [A two-level coursebook featuring a wide variety of speech topics with well-ordered activities that allow speakers to organize their ideas and prepare their presentations. Useful sentence structures are provided, and high-frequency vocabulary is frequently recycled. There are QR code links to videos of sample presentations. The series is suitable for CEFR A2-B1.]

Winning formula for the TOEIC® L & R test (Revised Ed.). — Akaida, T., & Bruce, J. M. Tokyo: Cengage Learning, 2018. [Revisions reflect updates to the new question format used in the TOEIC® Listening and Reading test. Students will learn test-taking strategies and tactics in each unit.]

Books for Teachers (reviews published in JALT Journal)

Contact: Greg Rouault ­— jj-reviews@jalt-publications.org

Learning strategy instruction in the language classroom: Issues and implementation — Chamot, A. U., & Vee Harris, V. (Eds.) Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters, 2019.
Practical research methods in education: An early researcher’s critical guide — Lambert, M. (Ed.). Abingdon, England/New York, NY: Routledge, 2019.

* Rethinking TESOL in diverse global settings: The language and the teacher in a time of change — Marr, T., & English, F. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.