August 2019
Page No.:
- 多言語多読の意義と可能性:多読実践報告を通じて • The Significance and Possibilities of Multilingual Extensive Reading: An Extensive Reading Practice Report 305
- Rieko Nishigai, Noriko Kobayashi
- A Student-Generated List of Freewriting Topics 312
- Kevin J. Ottoson, Michael Wilkins, Aaron C. Sponseller
- Focus on Field in an Advanced Reading Classroom 318
- Ayumi Inako
- Improvement in the Quality of Students’ Writings: Six Case Studies 324
- Kazue Komiyama
- Teacher and Student Perspectives on Written Feedback 333
- Kent Jones, Kevin Tang
- Importance of Evaluative Reading for the Development of Critical Thinking 344
- Michio Mineshima, Rie Imai
- The Effectiveness of Content-Based Instruction on Beginners’ Writing Skills 352
- Naoya Shibata