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Tomoko Nemoto, Temple University, Japan Campus; David Beglar, Temple University, Japan Campus

Researchers in the field of second language acquisition have made the study of morphosyntax one of their top priorities over the past four decades. In this paper we first look at six lines of SLA research that converge on the same conclusion: Most postpuberty learners have difficulty acquiring L2 morphosyntax and without an explicit focus on acquiring it, little acquisition will likely take place. The six lines of research are the sensitive period, L1 interference, the complexity of morphosyntax, the lack of salience of many morphosyntactic forms, studies conducted in naturalistic contexts, and studies conducted in classroom contexts. In the second part of the paper, we discuss seven principles for teaching morphosyntax that are placed into three categories: explicit form-focused instruction, communicative input, and communicative output. Ideally, these principles should be combined in an educational curriculum so that they are mutually reinforcing.
