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Alan Simpson, Miyazaki International College; Amanda Gillis-Furutaka, Kyoto Sangyo University; Alexis Pusina, Tokyo International University; Daniel Lilley, Osaka Gakuin University; Margaret Kim, Otemae University

This paper presents the implementation and evaluation of a contrast culture method (CCM) training workshop. CCM uses role-play scenarios that highlight the cultural values and assumptions of trainees. One role-player engages in interaction using behaviour and cultural markers familiar to the trainees, while the other presents contrasting behaviours. Trainees have the opportunity to question the role-players while they are in character and to discuss new insights into their assumptions and biases. The authors outline the steps taken in designing and performing a scenario for JALT attendees, primarily language educators. They also discuss the process of recording and analysing the transcript of the training session and follow-up questionnaires to evaluate the responses of the trainees and suggest design improvements for future CCM training sessions.
