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Bunya Suzuki, Lancaster University

In this paper I reflect on applying a model of ICC (intercultural communication competence) development (Brown, 2013) towards preparing team-taught classes and conducting lessons between assistant language teachers (ALTs) and Japanese teachers of English (JTEs) for 1st-year junior high school (JHS) students and discuss its implications for professional development. After summarizing the background and four levels of this model, I will clarify how and why this model was applied to create team-taught lessons. I will then describe the teachers’ reflections on their work from interviews, which indicated the overall satisfaction of both ALTs and JTEs. This was accomplished by their going beyond their cultural differences, recognizing each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and helping each other. However, disagreement over time management and lesson aims became evident due to a difference in the number of lessons they taught and in their professional status, which is a practical issue beyond the scope of this model.

本稿は、東京のある中学校にて外国語指導助手(ALT)と日本人英語教諭(JTE)のチームワークにおいてICC(異文化コミュニケーション能力)の発展モデル(Brown, 2013)を授業準備と実践に用いたことを振り返り、教員養成への示唆を論じる。まずこのモデルの背景と4つのレベルをまとめ、このモデルをどのように、なぜ、中学1年生のチームティーチングの授業作成に用いたかを明らかにする。次にALTとJTEへのインタビューを基に準備と実践を振り返る。それによると、双方ともお互いの文化の違いを乗り越え、お互いの強みと弱みを認識し助け合えたことに全体的な満足感を示していたが、授業の時間管理と目的において意見の相違が見られた。ALTとJTEの参加する授業回数や雇用体系の違いといった、このモデルの範囲外となる実務的な問題がこの懸念の原因となっていた。