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Malcolm Swanson

Publications have always formed the heart of JALT, and now more than ever, opportunities abound for JALT members to get their writing into print. The following is a brief overview of some of the many publications available throughout the organisation, along with information on what, when, and how to submit.

The Language Teacher

Types of articles sought: See the Submissions page at the back of this issue for details of materials sought for feature articles, opinion pieces, or column articles. Also, please read the Opinions & Perspectives article earlier in this issue. We are always looking for new material, and welcome the opportunity to review new ideas and formats. Please feel free to contact us to discuss potential TLT material.

JALT Journal (the research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching)

Type of articles published: Full length research reports, short research reports, opinion pieces or pedagogical recommendations framed in theory, short responses to previously published articles (along with the author's response), book and other media reviews

Publication dates: twice a year, in November and May.

Addresses for submission of articles:
Full-length Submissions, Research Forum, and Point to Point Submissions; Sandra Fotos, Editor School of Economics, Senshu University, 2-1-1 Higashi Mita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa-ken 214-0033

Perspectives (shorter opinion pieces or pedagogical recommendations); Nicholas O. Jungheim, Associate Editor Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University, 4-4-25 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002

Reviews; Patrick Rosenkjar, Book Reviews Editor, Temple University Japan 2-8-12 Minami Azabu Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047, Japan

Japanese-Language Manuscripts; Shinji Kimura, Japanese Language Editor, Faculty of Law, Kwansei Gakuin University, 1-1-155, Uegahara, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0886, Japan

JALT Journal Online: <>

Chapters & Regions

Kyushu Region
Publication: Kyushu Journal
Publication Dates: Annually

Aims: Kyushu Journal is published as a collaborate effort of the Council of Kyushu JALT Chapters in furtherance of professional development, interchange, and collaboration among Kyushu JALT chapters' members and other professionals. Materials published in Kyushu Journal conform to issues of practical language teaching relevance and the timely interests of Kyushu JALT members. Kyushu Journal materials are primarily discussions of methods and approaches in foreign language education, but Kyushu Journal also maintains an interest in relevant research and theory, as well as any materials that have a strong potential for practical classroom application. Kyushu Journal emphasizes a collaborative and developmental approach to publication in an effort to encourage the publication of new and meritorious works and to broaden participation in scholarly inquiry.

Contacts: Please contact any of the officers of any Kyushu Chapter for more information.

Yamaguchi Chapter
Publication: JALT Yamaguchi Journal
JALT Yamaguchi Chapter publishes its own journal every spring. We have already published five issues. Invitations are open to submit papers in the fields of both English and Japanese language education, as well as in the field of comparative culture. Those who are interested in submitting a paper can receive a free copy of the 1999 journal issued. Please get in touch with either editor, and we will send you a free copy.

Please let us know if you are at all interested in submitting a paper and we will send you further information on how to submit.

Japanese Editor: Shinichi Hayashi, t/f: 0839(33)5280
English Editor: Yayoi Akagi, t: 0836(52)2650, <>

Special Interest Groups

Bilingual SIG
1. Publication: Bilingual Japan

Approximate Publication Dates: the third week of each odd-numbered month

Aims: to keep members informed of news and views related to bilingualism, with particular reference to Japan

Type of Articles: Personal accounts, conference reports, book reviews, news of upcoming conferences, announcements with relevance to the topic of "bilingualism"

2. Publication: Monographs on Bilingualism

Approximate Publication Dates: the first day of the annual JALT conference

Aims: to circulate information on bilingualism in a more permanent form than a newsletter

Type of Articles: Each Monograph focuses on one aspect of bilingualism/biculturalism as it is experienced in Japan (what it's like to grow up bilingual, teaching a child to read English whilst living in Japan, and bullying in Japanese schools have been three of our latest topics. Monographs can have either a single author or an editor who compiles short pieces by a number of authors. Topics need to be of interest and relevance to a majority of BSIG members and to be connected with bilingualism/biculturalism in Japan.

3. Publication: Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism

Approximate Publication Dates: Released once annually in time for the international JALT Conference


  • To encourage high-quality research in the fields of multilingualism and multiculturalism, particularly related to Japan and the Japanese language, by providing a forum specifically for that purpose and offering expert and supportive editorial guidance to researchers
  • To make this research available not just to other researchers in the field, but also to educators and parents in Japan, so that they can better understand the issues that arise when dealing with two or more languages and cultures and make more informed decisions in their dealings with their students and children

Type of Articles: We welcome well-written articles in English or Japanese reporting original research in the areas of bi/multilingualism, bi/multiculturalism, intercultural communication and other related fields of study.

Contact & Submission Details:

Stephen Ryan, BSIG Publications Director, f: 0726 24 2793, <>

College & University Educators SIG
Publication: On CUE

Approximate Publication Dates: March 30, July 31, Nov 30 (Deadlines Feb 1, June 1, Sept 1) Also mini-conference proceedings 'Content and Foreign Language Education' October 20

Aims: To provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research, ideas and curriculum activities of broad interest to college and university educators in Japan.

APA-referenced articles with a focus on language education and related issues at tertiary level of up to 2,000 words.

From the Chalkface: classroom applications, techniques and lesson plans, usually up to 1000 words.

Reviews: reviews of books, textbooks, videos, presentations/ workshops, TV shows, films, etc. Maximum 600 words, 1500 words for scholarly review essays.

Cyberpipeline: descriptions of web-sites that might prove useful for language teaching and professional development; length variable.

Opinion and Perspective: 650 words max.; longer, coordinated, point-counterpoint articles are possible.

Focus on Language: a column in which the writer may ask/answer common questions about language that are of interest to teachers and learners. 250-600 words

Research Digest: summaries of research, published in university in-house publications, of broad interest to college and university educators. Category bending and innovation are also possible. Length guidelines are flexible.

What do we look for in feature articles? Any or all of the following criteria may be used: -- consideration of issues likely to be perceived by college and university educators as relevant to language teaching in Japan: well designed and well reported empirical research; writing that situates issues within the context of relevant previous work, while refraining from quoting for the sake of quoting; thought-provoking theoretical papers, provided clear practical implications are fore-grounded.

Contact & Submission Details: Editor: Michael Carroll, <>

Reviews Editor: Steven Snyder, <>

Opinion and Perspectives Editors: Debra Pappler and Steve Weinkle, <>

Foreign Language Literacy SIG
Publication: Literacy Across Cultures (LAC)

Approximate Publication Dates: 2 times a year, Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter issues, with a possible third issue if contributions allow.

Aims: LAC is a practitioner journal that is produced in association with the FL Literacy SIG of JALT. It publishes feature articles, review essays, and shorter reviews on various topics in FL reading, writing and literacy. Non-native English writers and beginning authors welcome.

Type of Articles: LAC welcomes submissions in English on topics related to L2 reading and writing and their social product, L2 literacy. We are committed to getting articles written by classroom teachers and non-native speakers/writers of English into print, e-mail and HTML forms of the journal.

We invite any interested person to submit articles (up to 3000 words); perspective/opinion pieces; book and article reviews; annotated bibliographies; responses to LAC articles; descriptions/reviews of literacy-related World Wide Web sites and materials; classroom activities and teaching tips; descriptions and ratings of relevant WWW sites and other Internet resources.

Combination of scholarly treatment with pedagogical considerations; written in clear language and tone suitable for an audience of teachers and professionals worldwide.

Contact & Submission Details: For information on submitting, please contact David Dycus, the LAC editor, at <>.

Other: For any inquiry about how to receive LAC in one of its forms or about how to join the FL Literacy SIG of JALT and receive FLL SIG News, do not hesitate to contact Charles Jannuzi, t/f: 0776-27-7102, <>

Gender Awareness in Language Education SIG
Publication: GALE Newsletter

Approximate Publication Dates: April, September, December

Aims: To explore gender-related issues in language teaching and the teaching profession

Type of Articles: Reports of formal and informal research, descriptions of teaching approaches and techniques, analyses of issues, reports of conference presentations, book and web-site reviews

Contact & Submission Details: For details contact Kathleen Riley, t/f: 042-734-2708 <rileykb>

Global Issues in Language Education SIG
Publication: Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter

Approximate Publication Dates: 4 x per year (March/June/September/December)

Aims: (a) to introduce language teachers to innovative teaching ideas, methods, materials, activities and resources related to global issue and global education themes (b) to promote networking and mutual support among language educators dealing with global issues (c) to promote the integration of global issues, global awareness and social responsibility into language teaching (d) to promote awareness among language teachers of important developments in global education and the related fields of environmental education, human rights education, peace education and development education.

Type of Articles: practical descriptions of global issue/global education; classroom activities, teaching methods/approaches, curricula/course design, teaching materials, resources, opinion essays related to aspects of global issues, global education, and language teaching

Contact & Submission Details: Kip Cates, Tottori University, Koyama-cho, Tottori City, 680-8551 t/f: 0857-31-5650, <>

Material Writers SIG
Publication: Between the Keys

Approximate Publication Dates: published four times a year: spring, summer, special conference issue, and winter

Type of Articles: The editors welcome contributions in the following areas: publishing issues, classroom activities, page layout or desktop publishing, experiences in publishing or materials design, announcements of materials- related meetings or newly published materials, or any other articles focusing on aspects of materials writing or publishing.

Contact & Submission Details: Christopher Weaver, Editor, <>

Other Language Educators SIG
Publication: Other Language Educators Newsletter

Approximate Publication Dates: Feb, June, Sept.(Pre-Conference Issue), Dec.

Aims: 1) To keep those interested informed on the OLE scene 2) to provide detailed information on OLE related events, presentations, etc. and/ or administrative changes 3) to enable an exchange of opinions 4) to help those with presentations and proposals who may be interested, but never dare to present

Type of Articles: OLE-related or dealing with matters that are or may become of concern to OLE teachers or learners, detailed conference information, invited papers on specific subjects, submitted papers relevant to the OLE field

Contact & Submission Details: Rudolf Reinelt, Ehime University, Fac. of Law & Letters, Dept. of Humanities Bunkyo-cho 3, Matsuyama 790-8577, t/f: 089-927-9359 (w) <>

Professionalism, Administration, & Leadership in Education SIG
Publication: Journal of Professional Issues

Approximate Publication Dates: Minimum twice a year on paper, with a third web-based version should budgeting become prohibitive. Deadlines for submission are not fixed.

Aims: To record and catalog cases of academic and professional issues which are either definitive of systemic problems within the Japanese education system, or are progressive steps towards amelioration or resolution; to propose goals and strategies for fostering better lives for educators in more rewarding professional positions; to attempt to show leadership in the academic world not merely in terms of pedagogy but also in quality of life, academic freedom, and job security.

Type of Articles: Articles on labor issues (such as previous or emerging permutations of the ninkisei term-limitation system as it envelops all educators in Japan), professionalism (what should we as educators or administrators aim towards for ourselves or propose to the education system?), cautionary cases of abuses of authority and lessons to be learned from them when taking actions to avoid or prevent them in future.

Contact & Submission Details: Editor: Dave Aldwinckle, <> URL of mission statement and back issues: <>

Other: We at PALE are not averse to humor, poetry, or other submissions that may not be considered "proper" for more limited-view publications. We do, however, require the author to take full personal responsibility for the accuracy of data, claims, and charges made within the submission.

Teaching Children SIG
Publication: TLC (Teachers Learning with Children)

Approximate Publication Dates: 4 times a year: Jan, April, July, ms: To provide a forum for teachers of pre-kindergarten through to upper elementary to share ideas and concerns, debate issues, share practical classroom ideas, review new materials on the market, enjoy feature articles by leading experts in the field.

Type of Articles: We are always looking for articles in any of the areas mentioned above.

Contact & Submission Details: Submissions are welcome in Japanese or English.

For English submissions, contact the Editor, Michelle Nagashima, t/f: 048-874-2996,

For submissions in Japanese, please contact our Co-Editor, Tom Merner, t/f: 045-822-6623, <>

Teacher Education SIG
Publication: Explorations in Teacher Education

Approximate Publication Dates: January/February, May/June, September/October

Aims: To promote awareness of, and encourage collaboration in: professional (self) development, teacher training, teacher development, and teacher mentoring

Type of Articles: In general, articles which serve the aims of publication, for example: member interests/profiles: 50-100 words; calls for papers, participation, or collaboration: 100-500 words; poems/essays: (variable); book reviews: 500 words; reports: 1000 words; articles: 1500 words; interviews: 2000 words

Contact & Submission Details: Our newsletter is published 3-4 times a year and submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis. Please follow the APA style for English articles; Japanese articles are also welcomed. Include a short abstract, biographical sketch, & contact information, as well as a list of 3-6 keywords pertaining to your article. Manuscripts, electronic mail, and enquiries can be sent to: Paul A. Beaufait, Katie Datko <>, or Shinichiro Yokomizo <>

Other: Manuscripts are subject to review by two readers. Evaluation is usually completed within one month. Writers will be notified of the acceptance of their articles. Selected articles may later be published on the TE SIG web page with the authors' consent.

Testing & Evaluation SIG
Publication: SHIKEN

Approximate Publication Dates: Three-four times a year. No fixed dates.

Aims: To provide a forum for the exchange of views on assessment-related matters; to keep membership abreast of current research and publications; to provide answers to questions readers may have

Type of Articles: Feature articles (no more than 3,000 words) We welcome manuscripts on language assessment, both theoretical in nature and dealing with classroom application the submissions should not be very technical in nature as we are a broad-based organization including both expert testers and novices.

  • Information about language testing-related events: symposia, conferences, etc. Also reports about these events.
  • Practical testing techniques: description and rationale.
  • Technical corner: readers can pose questions dealing with more technical aspects of testing. These will be forwarded to JD Brown at University of Hawaii who will respond.

Contact & Submission Details: Co-ordinator: Leo Yoffe Gunma-ken, Fujioka-shi Fujioka 280 375-0024; Editor: Cecilia B.Ikeguchi., Tsukuba Women's University Azuma 3-1, Tsukuba City , Ibaraki, 305