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David T. H. Cruse, British Council Japan; Peter Brereton, Rikkyo University

Quick response (QR) codes, when scanned with mobile devices equipped with QR-code readers, allow a direct link to online content. Although they are ubiquitous outside the classroom, QR codes are yet to be seen extensively in language teaching materials. However, QR codes can make classroom activities more engaging and allow students to perform previously impossible or impractical tasks. This article outlines some ways in which teachers can use QR codes to enhance material containing images, reading, and audio. QR codes are also shown to have potentially powerful applications for increased learner autonomy and asynchronous learning. Despite reluctance from some teachers and institutions to use mobile devices in class, producing and using QR codes is very simple and can aid lesson preparation and classroom management. This paper proposes a set of 7 guiding principles for teachers hoping to incorporate QR codes into materials, based on the authors’ experimentation and reflection.
