Asking questions in the classroom has social and cognitive aspects, but teachers’ questions outnumber those of students. This paper introduces an instructional program for Japanese university students that is based on Bloom’s taxonomy (1956) and is focused on asking questions in English, to promote students’ ability to ask high cognitive questions (Alcón, 1993). The paper starts with the course syllabus, which covers the instruction in 15 weeks. Then teaching procedures of six question types (i.e., questions for remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating) are described in detail. Information about what has worked when teaching is included as well as participants’ sample questions. The results comparing the pre- and postinstruction tasks show that instruction is effective as students come to ask more high cognitive questions. Question asking encompasses the potential to develop one’s ability to think critically, which is indispensable in this global age.
教室内の質問行動には社会的および認知的要素があるものの、教師の質問数は学習者の質問数を大幅に上回ることが問題視されてきた。本稿では日本人大学生を対象に、ブルームの分類法(Bloom’s taxonomy; Bloom, 1956) に基づく質問の指導法を論じる。指導は大学生が英語で高次の質問ができることを目的として(Alcón, 1993)、15週間にわたり行われた。6種類の質問(記憶、理解、応用、分析、評価、創造)の指導内容とその課題について言及した後、参加者の質問例、及び指導前後の質問頻度の比較を通して、指導効果を検証する。本調査では、質問指導が学習者の批判的思考を高める潜在的可能性を秘め、それがグローバル社会には不可欠であることを示唆している。