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Kouki Ookawa, Ehime Prefectural Misaki High School

This study examined the perspectives of intercultural understanding found in 8 high-school English textbooks endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan and 8 high-school textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education in Korea. This was done through an analysis of the articles found in each lesson for content, the different nationalities described, and their educational purpose. The purpose of this research was to compare the treatment of these 3 factors in the textbooks from both countries. The results of the research revealed that the Japanese textbooks contained many local topics, but the Korean textbooks tended to focus on topics relating to other nations rather than local topics. Considerations for revisions to future textbooks are suggested in order to help editors and authors make textbooks that provide teachers with the materials they need to educate students for the global community.
