Efforts to offer women the same advantages as men in Japanese society have been less successful than those in many other nations; a key report ranked Japan in 114th place (of 144) on a number of key measures (World Economic Forum, 2017). In order to explore attitudes among Japanese young people on matters of gender, 155 students at a private university in West Japan were questioned on their perceptions of equality in their own country and, as a point of comparison, in English-speaking societies. Although it was acknowledged that the gender balance was skewed somewhat more strongly in favour of males in Japan than in the Anglosphere, it was generally felt that progress was being made and neither female nor male participants appeared to be seriously concerned about the matter.
他国に比べ、日本の男女平等化は成功していないと言える。世界的に認められているWorld Economic Forum(2017)によると、日本は世界男女格差指数ランキングで144ヶ国中114位である。そこで、西日本の現役私立大学生155人に日本と英語圏での性別バイアスの意識調査を行ったところ、結果は英語圏に比べると、日本の方がまだ平等になるには時間がかかりそうではあるものの、少しずつ女性差別が減少していると感じており、男女学生とも、この問題をあまり大きい問題と捉えていないように見えた。