The Language Teacher - Issue 41.4; July 2017

Volume: 41
Issue No. 4
Date of publication: July 2017

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the July/August edition of TLT. For many of us this is a rewarding but busy time of the year as classes progress and students improve before the summer break. We hope that this issue might provide a little inspiration to continue this positive momentum before gearing down for some creative rejuvenation in the summer. 

Speaking of a little inspiration, in our roles as coeditors of the My Share column we are privileged to work with the many talented authors who send us both practical and innovative ideas. It’s truly a pleasure to read submissions from a wide spectrum of teachers both here in Japan and other countries around the world, and we would like to encourage any educator with a good idea to share it with us and the TLT readers. Students really do appreciate them!       

In this issue, we start with two thought-provoking Feature Articles. In the first, Yo Hamada investigates learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of intelligible communication, finding important gaps between those sounds that Japanese learners and educators deem most essential to being understood. In the second article, Paul Wicking considers the suitability of learning-oriented assessment (LOA) as a theoretical model of assessment practices in the Japanese context. This should be of interest to many of us frustrated with high-stakes summative testing practices. 

In the Readers’ Forum, Tomoko Ishii describes a lecture conducted with Japanese secondary school teachers to explain current research on vocabulary acquisition. The participants found this highly informative, and she provides suggestions for future seminars to support teachers with little time to learn about research. In the second article, Elton LaClare explores the equally important and fascinating issue of dyslexia in Japanese English language learners. Also, we have all our regular columns including JALT Praxis, Teaching Assistance, Dear TLT, and of course My Share. 

As always, we would like to thank all the authors who have contributed to making this another outstanding issue of TLT, and we hope that our readers continue to have both a rewarding and successful summer. 

Steven Asquith & Nicole Gallagher, Coeditors, My Share       


さて、インスピレーションと申し上げましたが、My Shareコラムの共同編集をさせていただくことは、実践的でかつ斬新なアイデアを送ってくださる多くの優秀な著者の皆様と一緒に仕事をさせていただくという私たちの特権です。日本国内を問わず、広く海外からも様々な領域の先生方が送ってくださるアイデアに触れることは真の喜びですので、素晴らしいアイデアをお持ちの教育者の皆様は、我々やTLTの読者の方たちとそのアイデアを共有してくださるようお願い申し上げます。 

この号はまず、示唆に富む2編のFeature Articleから始まります。最初にYo Hamadaが、学習者と教師それぞれの、分かりやすいコミュニケーションについての認識を調査し、双方が、理解されるためもっとも重要な発音とみなしているものが乖離しているという重要な点を明らかにしています。次にPaul Wickingが、学習重視の評価learner-oriented assessment (LOA)が日本という環境において、評価実践の論理的モデルとして適合するかを検討します。これは、総括的な一発試験を行う現状にうんざりしている私たち多くの者にとって興味深い内容となっています。

Readers' ForumではTomoko Ishiiが、中学・高校の教師たちを対象とする、語彙習得に関する最近の研究を説明するワークショップについて述べています。参加者たちはこれを非常に有益と感じており、Ishiiは研究について学ぶ時間がほとんどない教師たちを支援する将来的なセミナーを提案しています。続いては、Elton LaClareによる、日本における英語学習者のdyslexia(失読症)に関する興味深い調査です。これらに加えて、通常のコラムであるJALT Praxis、Teaching Assistance、Dear TLT、そしてもちろん、MyShareもあります。


Steven Asquith and Nicole Gallagher

Coeditors, MyShare共同編集者




Book Reviews

My Share

TLT Wired

Writers' Workshop

Teaching Assistance

Dear TLT

TLT Interviews