- Informal Expectations of Foreign Teachers in Japanese Universities by Gillian S. Kay
- Introspection in Second Language Research, by Kazuko Matsumoto
- Research In Japan by Rory S. Baskin
- The Sandhi of English: Teaching Contractions in the Classroom by Paul Stapleton
- Training with Genre: Using Letters to the Editor by Damian Lucantonio
- Providing Fluency Practice in the Foreign Language Classroom by Brian Bresnihan and Barbara Stoops
- The Quirks of English Usage (1): “You Can Leave in a Taxi or You Can Leave in a Huff” by Graeme Cane
- Graduate Study in Japan by Monty Vierra
- Against Linguicism: A Reply to Richard Marshall by Masaki Oda
- A Reply to Kazuhiko Iino by Colin Toms
- JTEs Making HS English More Meaningful by Fukuji Maruyama
- Oxford Wordpower Dictionary
- Samantha: A Soap Opera for Students of ESL
- Writing Clearly
- The Metropolitan Daily News
- Easy Essays by Mark Montaldo
- Write to Speak by George Stenson
- Quizzes Can Improve Your English Teaching by Martin Robinson
The Language Teacher - Issue 18.11; November 1994
Issue No. 11
Date of publication: November 1994