President’s Message & JALT OGM Notice

Malcolm Swanson

President’s Message

There are a lot of events coming up in the next two months, aren’t there? Tokyo Chapter is holding a special workshop, “Reacting to the Past”, 11-12 May at Sophia University in Tokyo. That same weekend has the 4th Annual Shikoku JALT Conference, co-sponsored by East Shikoku JALT and Matsuyama JALT, which will be at Kagawa University in Takamatsu. On the next weekend the 12th Annual JALT PanSIG Conference, “From Many, One: Collaboration, Cooperation, and Community”, will be held at Nanzan University in Nagoya. Two weeks later, the CALL SIG will have its annual conference, from 31 May to 2 June, at Shinshu University (Matsumoto-shi, Nagano-ken). Needless to say, there are many other chapter and SIG events in May and June. The amount of energy that JALT members put into organizing and holding events is always inspiring. Please see the Events Calendar on for more details of these and other upcoming events.
I would also like to bring your attention to JALT’s 1st Annual Ordinary General Meeting (OGM), which will be held 30 June, at Campus Plaza in Kyoto, 14:30–15:30. As before, we are making it possible to submit an absentee ballot for the OGM via <>. Thus, by clicking a couple of buttons, you can vote on accepting our annual reports, such as the financial report. We really appreciate your support in this matter. Our constitution requires at least half of all JALT members to attend an OGM, in person or via having submitted an absentee ballot. Thus, to help us maintain our NPO status (which is of paramount importance for JALT as it helps make it possible for chapters and SIGs to put on the great programs that they do), please “click for JALT” after you get an email from us about the OGM absentee ballot. Thank you as always for your membership in JALT and your support of our activities, and I look forward to seeing you at a JALT event soon!
Kevin Cleary
NPO JALT President

Notice of the First 2013 JALT Ordinary General Meeting (OGM)

  • 日時:2013年6月30日(日)
  • Date: June 30, 2013 (Sunday)
  • 時間:14:30 – 15:30
  • Time: 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
  • 場所:キャンパスプラザ京都、第4講義室
  • Location: Campus Plaza, Kyoto Kogishitsu #4 Meeting Room

議案 / Agenda:

  • 第1号議案 議長選出 / Item 1. Determination of chairperson
  • 第2号議案 議事録署名人選出 / Item 2. Determination of signatories
  • 第3号議案 平成24年度事業報告 / Item 3. Business Report (2012/04/01 – 2013/03/31)
  • 第4号議案 平成24年度決算報告 / Item 4. Financial Report (2012/04/01 – 2013/03/31)
  • 第5号議案 平成24年度監査報告 / Item 5. Audit Report (2012/04/01 – 2013/03/31)
  • 第6号議案 平成25年度事業計画 / Item 6. Business Plan (2013/04/01 – 2014/03/31)
  • 第7号議案 平成25年度予算 / Item 7. Budget (2013/04/01 – 2014/03/31)
  • 第8号議案 その他の重要事項 / Item 8. Other important issues

*Details of the agenda, including links to the various reports that will be presented, and an absentee ballot, will be sent to you via email in mid-June.
When you receive the message, please follow the instructions on how to view the OGM reports and complete the absentee ballot. We need a majority of JALT members to register their vote at the OGM so that we can hold an official meeting as per the JALT Constitution. Thank you very much for your membership and your support.