



The editors welcome submissions of materials concerned with all aspects of language education, particularly with relevance to Japan. If accepted, the editors reserve the right to edit all copy for length, style, and clarity, without prior notification to authors. Materials in English should be sent in either Rich Text or Microsoft Word Format (NOT PDF) via our website here: http://www.jalt-publications.org/content/. Manuscripts should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition style. Please note that we can only consider one submission at a time for Readers' Forum and Feature Articles.

日本国内での語学教育に関わる投稿をお待ちしています。できるだけ電子メールにリッチ・テキスト・フォーマットの添付ファイルでお送り下さい。書式はアメリカ心理学協会(APA)スタイルに基 づき、スタッフリストページにある各コラムの編集者まで締め切りに留意して、提出してください。


All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • I confirm that I have obtained institutional ethical approval for this research and informed consent from all participants as appropriate.
  • I confirm that this paper is my original work.
  • I confirm that this paper has not been published elsewhere and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • I confirm that this paper follows APA 7th edition style.

Feature Articles

English Features. Submissions should be well-written, and well-documented, research articles. Analysis and data can be quantitative or qualitative (or both). Manuscripts are reviewed and evaluated anonymously by members of The Language Teacher Editorial Advisory Board and or Additional Reader team, based on reviewer expertise and interest. Papers are evaluated for degree of scholarly research, relevance, originality of conclusions, etc. Submissions should:

  • be of relevance to language educators in Japan.
  • be blinded (made anonymous for review purposes).
  • be 3,000-4,000 words (not including appendices).
  • have paragraphs separated by single carriage returns (may be indented), and subheadings (boldbold-italic, or italic) used throughout for the convenience of readers - not numbered headings.
  • have a supplementary file, including the article's title, the author's name, affiliation, contact details, and word count at the top of the first page, submitted along with the blinded paper which will NOT be made available to reviewers.
  • have tables, figures, appendices, etc. included in the main file in the appropriate places, and also attached as supplementary files.
  • have an English abstract of up to 150 words and translated into Japanese (authors are responsible for providing their own translation of abstracts), in the paper and entered into the Online Journal System (see below). *Abstracts are used by reviewers to determine whether they wish to review the paper.
  • be accompanied by a 100-word biographical background and photo (as a separate JPEG or PNG image file) - NOT made available to reviewers.
  • Include the DOI for every reference that has a DOI. Preface the DOI with the appropriate HTML header (e.g., https://doi.org/).
  • follow APA Guidelines.

Readers' Forum

Readers' Forum articles are thoughtful essays on topics related to language teaching and learning in Japan. Submission do not need to be researched based, but the ideas should be intellectually supported. We cannot publish promotional materials. Submissions should:

  • be of relevance to language educators in Japan.
  • be blinded (made anonymous for review purposes).
  • be between 2,000 and 2,500 words (including title and references).
  • have paragraphs separated by single carriage returns (may be indented), and subheadings (boldbold-italic, or italic) used throughout for the convenience of readers - not numbered headings.
  • have a supplementary file, including the article's title, the author's name, affiliation, contact details, and word count at the top of the first page, submitted along with the blinded paper which will NOT be made available to reviewers.
  • have tables, figures, appendices, etc. included in the main file in the appropriate places, and also attached as supplementary files.
  • have an English abstract of up to 150 words and translated into Japanese (authors are responsible for providing their own translation of abstracts), in the paper and entered into the Online Journal System (see below). *Abstracts are used by reviewers to determine whether they wish to review the paper.
  • be accompanied by a 100-word biographical background and photo (as a separate JPEG or PNG image file) - NOT made available to reviewers.
  • Include the DOI for every reference that has a DOI. Preface the DOI with the appropriate HTML header (e.g., https://doi.org/).
  • follow APA Guidelines.

Japanese Articles

The Language Teacherでは日本語で書かれた語学教育に関する論文・記事の投稿を募集します。原則としてEメールにMS Word形式の添付ファイルで、スタッフリストのページにある日本語編集長・副編集長の両方にお送りください。論文は未発表で、他機関に投稿中でないものに限ります。採用された場合、本誌は出版される原稿を編集する権利があります。                                                                     

Feature: 日本の語学教育に関する、実証性のある研究論文を募集します。和文8,000字以内(題名と参考文献を含み、図表は除く)で、図表は別ファイルにして下さい。書式はアメリカ心理学協会(APA)スタイル最新版に基づき、ページ番号を入れ、小見出し(太文字またはイタリック体)を付けて下さい。最初のページに題名、著者名、所属、連絡先を和文と英文の両方で書き、字数も記入して下さい。要旨(400字以内の和文と150ワード以内の英文の両方)、著者略歴(250字以内の和文と100ワード以内の英文の両方)もご提出下さい。原稿は匿名のTLT査読委員により、研究水準、関連性、研究の独創性やTLTの読者に合っているか等で評価されます。

Readers’ Forum: 日本の語学教育に関する論文や実践報告を募集します。和文6,000字以内(題名と参考文献、図表を含む)で、図表はメインファイルに含めて下さい。その他の形式は上記Featureに準じます。

Interviews: 日本国内外の言語教育分野における著名な専門家へのインタビュー記事(和文6,000字以内)を募集します。希望される場合は、先に編集者に意見をお尋ね下さい。

