Two Steps Forward - One Step Back

Exploring Attitudes towards Reading


  • Imogen Marguerite Custance Kyoto Sangyo University
  • Ann Flanagan


Current research clearly shows the positive and long-term effects of extensive reading (ER) in a second language classroom (Nakanishi, 2015). Recently, we have seen an increase in ER programs being established in secondary schools in Japan and Korea. However, what does one do when an established ER program is suddenly dropped from an English curriculum? This paper reflects on the reasons why an ER program that expanded over six grades lost the support of its faculty members. The results of reading surveys administered to both students and teachers that explored perceptions of and attitudes towards reading in both English and Japanese are discussed, along with some of the obstacles teachers have faced in overseeing an ER program in a junior and senior high school.






Extensive Reading World Congress Proceedings