Challenges Setting up Extensive Reading Programs in Vietnam


  • Rob Waring a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:29:"Notre Dame Seishin University";}
  • Hoai Vu


Extensive Reading, Vietnam


Waring and Chu (2017) presented data showing some of the beliefs and attitudes of teachers in Vietnam regarding Extensive Reading. The data showed quite a good understanding of Extensive Reading (ER), but most others were still unclear of its role and purpose in a wider EFL setting. This paper presents even more data about the development of ER in the past two years in Vietnam as both a follow-up to the original study, and to ascertain whether the several Extensive Reading lecture roadshows held in Vietnam in the past two years have had a real effect. The data shows that not much has changed in the past two years. Many teachers still confuse Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading and face the same challenges to fund, set up and run an ER program. However, some encouraging signs were found.






Extensive Reading World Congress Proceedings