The Impacts of Extensive Reading on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance and Motivation


  • Hoai Vu a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:45:"University of Science and Technology of Hanoi";}


Vietnamese students tend to be less interested in learning to write than reading, speaking and listening as they consider it difficult and tiring. Though extensive reading (ER) is enjoying widespread popularity in EFL teaching and learning practices thanks to its proven benefits for learners, it remains quite a novel concept in Vietnam. This case study aimed at seeking out the effects of ER on an EFL learner’s writing performance in the Vietnamese context. Also, this research was intended to ascertain the relationship between ER and the learners’ motivation for writing. The participant of this case study had no contaminating English exposure except for the ER treatment during the experiment. Pre-test and post-tests, together with interviews, observation and the participant’s reading record sheet, were deployed. The ESL Composition Profile by Jacobs et al. (1981) served as a tool to measure the writing tests.






Extensive Reading World Congress Proceedings