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The Language Teacher Wired

TLT Wired

What is TLT Wired?

TLT Wired is a semi-regular column where we explore the issue of teachers and technology—not just as it relates to CALL solutions, but also to Internet, software, and hardware concerns that all teachers face.

As well as articles by the two column editors, Paul Daniels and Malcolm Swanson, we plan to run occasional guest columns. We encourage readers with an interest in this field to contact the editors to discuss your ideas.

We would also like to offer readers the opportunity to have their questions and concerns answered within the column. If you have something you would like discussed or answered, please contact the editors through our Contact Page. And if you have ideas for how we could improve the column or this web space, please get in touch!

Malcolm Swanson & Paul Daniels
Column Editors

Previous TLT Wired Columns


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