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With the new year upon us we would again like to remind readers that The Language Teacher seeks well-written, well-documented articles with a strong pedagogical focus for publication in 1997. In January 1996 The Language Teacher became a refereed publication with all feature article submissions passed on for blind review by two members of our Editorial Advisory Board. The members of the Board are asked to evaluate manuscripts within three weeks of receipt, ensuring that feedback can be provided to contributors in a timely fashion. Contributions are sought on a wide variety of topics from anyone with knowledge and experience in language education. See page 2 for submission guidelines.
Readers are also invited to contribute to our new occasional columns. Please see page 3 for contact addresses.
Found in Translation. We seek feature-length translations of academic publications into Japanese or English from any language. Short (up to 400 words) summaries in English or Japanese of articles that originally appeared in another language are also welcome. All article translations will be refereed. Translations into English should not exceed 2,500 words and Japanese translations should not exceed 20 pages of 400 ji genko yoshi. Column editors: Stephen Ryan and Yukawa Emiko.
Educational Innovations. Articles are sought about innovative responses to challenges for change and improvement implemented within the wider context of a program or institution for learning, especially new curriculum designs, foreign exchange programs, and CALL and other digital and telecommunication facilities. To contribute articles or recommend contributors please contact the column editor: Daniel J. McIntyre.
Creative Course Design. This column will inform students, administrators and the TLT readership of the variety of creative designs and syllabuses being used in stimulating courses at all levels of education. Contributors are invited to submit: 1) Rationale for and context of the subject within the institution; 2) Overall course description, methods and objectives; 3) Weekly schedule; 4) Assessment procedures; and 5) Description of course materials (EFL and authentic). Contributions on hard copy and 2DD diskette should be sent to the column editor: Daniel J. McIntyre.
The Region. This column features profiles of foreign language education in the Asia/Pacific region. Profiles may include foreign languages taught, national and state government policies, teacher education programs, and current employment prospects for language teachers. Check with the editor to see whether your area or focus has already been taken. Column editor: David McMurray.
We look forward to receiving your contributions and to introducing your work to readers in Japan and abroad. On behalf of all TLT staff I would like to wish readers a very Happy New Year!
Antony Cominos
All articles at this site are copyright © 1997 by their respective authors.
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Last modified: January 9, 1997
Site maintained by TLT Online Editor