As a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in language learning, teaching, and research, The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) has a rich tradition of publishing relevant material in its many publications. This site is home to JALT's two main publications; The Language Teacher (TLT) and JALT Journal, as well as the annual Postconference Publication. More information on JALT's publications can be found on the pages of this site. IMPORTANT: This is a new installation of our submission system. All users—even those registered in our previous system--must register again to access this site. Thank you for your cooperation. Users who have previously submitted manuscripts to our old submission website, please contact the editors for an update.


  • The Language Teacher

    The Language Teacher, or TLT as we usually refer to it, is the bimonthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Zenkoku Gogaku Kyoiku Gakkai). It was first published under that name in April, 1984 and since then it has continued without a break.

  • JALT Postconference Publication

    The JALT Postconference Publications are annual volumes produced by the Conference Publications Committee of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. They stand as a record of our conferences—what was presented, and what was subsequently achieved.

    All JALT Postconference Publication articles are subject to a stringent process of review by at least two members of our Editorial Advisory Board. Manuscripts deemed suitable for possible inclusion in the Postconference Publication then go through a careful process of editing and proofing before being considered for final publication.

  • JALT Journal

    JALT Journal is the research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. It is published semiannually, in May and November, with submissions accepted throughout the year. Papers are first screened by the Editor and Associate Editor to ensure that submissions guidelines have been met and to determine whether the paper merits further independent review. Most importantly, submissions must meet the remit of JALT Journal which, as an applied research journal, is to link theory to practice. JALT Journal places a high premium on anonymous peer review. If a submission passes through the screening process, the paper is assigned to Editorial Advisory Board members and additional readers with specialization in the area of the submission. JALT Journal publishes both quantitative and qualitative research. Authors hoping to publish research in JALT Journal may submit in either Japanese or English.

  • Journal of Extensive Reading

    JER is a peer-reviewed, online journal of research on extensive reading published by the Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT) Extensive Reading Special Interest Group.