Join the Show: A Talk Show Project
Emi Karimata
Tamagawa University |
Key Words: Speaking Fluency
Learner English Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Learner Maturity Level: High school to Adult
Preparation Time: None
Activity Time: Varies
Although the hosts of talk shows in the U.S. (Oprah Winfrey,
Montel Williams, Geraldo, to name a few) are notorious for sometimes being
too sensational and bizarre, they continue to prevail on American television.
Typical shows address a certain topic every day with a panel of invited
guests including experts in the field and ordinary people talking about
their own experiences. What is striking about the shows is that they have
studio audiences which express themselves actively on the air.
Despite the poor reputation of talk shows from the States, Japanese students
have a lot to learn from the participants' eagerness to join the discussions
as well as the diversity of their voices, and they are also a great source
of cultural and social information. What's more, I have found the talk show
format very effective in getting my students to talk on topics informally
and without inhibitions. While debate trains students to form good arguments
and present them logically and formally, this format allows them to speak
out in a lively yet relaxed "show" where spontaneity and amount
of participation matters more than correctness or form. Here is how we go
about "The Talk Show Project" in my classes.
Step 1- Preparation
A. Comprehension Tasks
Show a couple of videotaped talk shows to familiarize students with the
format. Then focus on segments of a certain show using worksheets with a
list of key vocabulary and expressions and comprehension questions to answer.
While this is an overwhelming experience for most students, you can adjust
the tasks according to the level you're teaching. For lower level students
who have a hard time just following the flow of discussions, simply cut
the listening exercises or make the tasks simple; for instance, have them
catch information about the guests (for example, What are their names and
backgrounds? Why are they on the show?) or let them just guess the issue
being discussed. For advanced levels, have them list or summarize the opinions
of the guests and audience. It's also fun to focus on non-verbal aspects
or conversation strategies which could be quite different in Japan and the
B. Discussions
After eliciting general reactions from the students, in pairs or groups
have them freely discuss the topics dealt with in the shows they watched.
If it's a controversial topic with divided opinions, you can have them debate
the issue in groups. Next, do a series of discussions or debates on topics
of your choice or those chosen by the students. They tend to speak up more
when the topics are most relevant to them. For example, we once had a successful
discussion on the use of ELT vs. non-ELT teaching materials, which gave
them a chance to reflect on their own English learning. To sum up, students
discuss what they think of talk shows perse, and compare them with Japanese
talk shows.
Step 2-Planning the Show
A. Grouping and assignment of roles Divide the class into groups of five
or six people, and make them choose one person to be the host, and others
to be the guests. The project can be done with a minimum of 10-12 students
in total, with two groups (two shows).
B. Deciding on a topic
Group members decide on an interesting and controversial topic they'd
feel comfortable and motivated to talk about, and discuss the topic within
their groups. They usually have a great time trying to come up with the
best topic in the class. We've had a variety of topics, from capital punishment
to men's toupees. At this point, they are encouraged to do some research
on their topic and study any vocabulary they need to discuss it.
C. Getting ready for the show
Groups create an interesting background and character for each guest
on their show and assign the roles to the members. Then the guests prepare
their opinions and the host prepares what he/she will say, including opening
and closing comments. Since we want to make the shows look spontaneous,
I advise them not to make detailed scripts. For lower levels, however, it
may be inevitable. In that case, tell them not to read from their scripts
during the show. I also ask them to prepare a brief presentation of their
topic by presenting background information and important vocabulary or performing
a skit that illustrates the topic. Now they are ready to do a couple of
rehearsals before the actual performance.
Step 3-Simulating the Show
Each group presents their show (15-20 minutes) in front of the camera
and the class. Videotaping their shows is optional, but students seem to
enjoy the idea of performing them as "TV shows." They open the
show by introducing their topic and guests. Led by the host, the guests
present their arguments and discuss the topic freely. Then the audience
(the rest of the class), who weren't informed of the topic beforehand, are
invited to join in on the spot by asking questions or giving their opinions
voluntarily or when asked. Finally, the host sums up the show.
Step 4-Reviewing the Show
Students watch their videotaped shows and comment on each one. This is
not only fun but also gives them a chance to look back on what they learned
from the whole experience.
The whole project can take from a month to a semester of a course that
meets once a week for about 90 minutes. I have been enjoying this project
for several years in courses for juniors and seniors that stress listening
skills, but it should also be useful in cross-cultural communication courses
or content-based courses to discuss issues relevant to the field, not to
mention conversation or debate classes.
Speaking in public is something most Japanese students are not trained
to do, and many of them are nervous or reluctant at first. However, they
somehow get rid of their inhibitions as they exchange ideas and opinions
within their groups, so as to prepare a fun show. By the time they present
their shows, you'll be surprised to see even the shy ones get involved as
if they take on a different identity, willing to join actively as a member
of the audience as well.
copyright © 1998 by the author.
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Last modified: September 22, 1998
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