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Language Teacher

The Language Teacher

Quick Tip: Ideas Take Wings

Bob McGregor

Hiroshima Trident College

If you have a pithy tip for teachers that has made your lesson planning, implementation, grading etc. easier or more enjoyable, please share it. Write your idea in 100 words or less, and submit it as a "Quick Tip" to the My Share editor. Here's one to get you started.

If you frequently have your students exchange papers for checking or comparing answers, try enlivening this mundane activity by having the students fold their papers into airplanes and flying them across the room. It's a fun way to ensure that they don't always check the same partner's paper and, particularly in large classes, it allows them to interact with students they might not ordinarily talk to.

Article copyright © 1998 by the author.
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Last modified: October 20, 1998
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