Introduction |
O n
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Several issues of TLT are designated as special issues each year.
There have been three in 1998 so far: CALL in February, Gender Issues in
Language Teaching in May, and Video in August. Next month is a special issue
on ESP (English for Specific Purposes).
The purpose of these special issues is threefold: First, special issues
offer authors an opportunity to contribute to a collection of articles on
a specific topic considered to be of current or potential interest to TLT
readers. Special issues give JALT members the opportunity to gain editorial
experience by taking the role of guest editor. Finally, speciall issues
present readers with the opportunity to read a series of articles in one
volume which are perhaps more specialized than articles in regular issues
of TLT.
The usual procedure for undertaking a special issue is as follows: The
guest editors submit proposals to TLT editors, and if accepted, take
charge of the manuscripts and their preliminary editing. The articles are
reviewed by the Editorial Advisory Board, and if they meet TLT standards,
are accepted for publication in the special issue. TLT appreciates
the work of the special guest issue authors and editors and hopes that the
special issues fulfill the purposes for authors, guest editors, and readers
outlined above.
This month, we lead off with two articles by JALT98 Special Guest Speakers:
First, David Little and Leni Dam introduce their work on Learner
Autonomy, which they will explore more with conference participants in November.
Second, Kei Imai reports on a pay equity study by the Working Women's
Network and discusses the impact that the current status of working women
in Japan will have on our students.
In Steve Cornwell's interview with TESOL Quarterly editor,
Sandra McKay, the focus is on what writers should keep in mind when
writing for publication in academic journals. This interview kicks off a
two-part series which will continue next month with an article by another
journal editor.
Our feature articles this month include a unique program called "The
Motivation Approach," introduced by Paul van Raay. Tim Murphey
and Tsuyoshi Sasaki show that Japanese English teachers are increasing
their use of English and make recommendations on how they can extend their
use of English in class.
The Region column reappears after a long absence with an article by Jeong-ryeol
Kim on elementary education and the introduction of English instruction
in Korea. In Daniel McIntyre's column, Creative Course Design, Judith
Lamie explores the use of pop media. Marc Helgesen responds to
Richard Cauldwell's July TLT article on listening comprehension.
Finally, Bill Lee's "Meditation for Troubled Teachers"
is a thoughtful reminder of who our students are.
Laura MacGregor
copyright © 1998 by the author.
Document URL:
Last modified: October 20, 1998
Site maintained by TLT
Online Editor