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Language Teacher

The Language Teacher

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The theme for this month is reading. We lead off with an article by Patricia L. Carrell of Georgia State University, a world renowned expert on this topic. The article is longer than we usually run in TLT, but this was the result of an agreement with the author and the Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, which will reprint from us. The other article on reading this month by Philip Goertzen looks at teaching reading using a multimedia approach involving both listening and reading and focuses especially on the reactions of the students using this CALL approach. Other features this month include an article by Suzanne D. Meyer about a peer mentoring group she started and ran for about two years, and, finally, Todd Jay Leonard interviews J.D. Brown about university entrance exams, a topic which has been discussed quite a bit in other JALT publications and on JALT's Internet mailing list, <jaltcall>. I hope you enjoy this month's TLT.

Article copyright © 1998 by the author.
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Last modified: March 4, 1998
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