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Language Teacher

The Language Teacher

Conference Calendar

edited by Randy Davis

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We welcome new listings. Please submit conference information in Japanese or English to the respective editor by the 15th of the month, three months in advance (four months for overseas conferences). Thus, April 15th is the final deadline for a July conference in Japan or an August conference overseas. (See the masthead for contact information.) The first listing can be as far as two years in advance.

March 26-29, 1998

The 3rd Pacific Second Language Research forum (PacSLR98). Aoyama Gakuin U., Department of English. Preregistration deadline: February 1, 1998. Peter Robinson, Aoyama Gakuin University, Department of English, 4-4-25 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150. E-mail: <>. Web: <>

April 14-18, 1998

International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). Manchester, UK. Contact IATEFL, 3 Kingsdown Chambers, Kingsdown Park, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 2DJ, UK. Tel: 44 0-1227-276528. Fax: 44-0-1227-274415. E-mail: <>. Homepage: <>.

April 20-22, 1998

RELC Seminar on Language Teaching: New Insights for the Language Teacher. Singapore. Contact: The Director (Attention: Seminar Secretariat), SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258352, Republic of Singapore. Tel: +65-737-9044. Fax: +65-734-2753. E-mail: <>. Homepage: <>.

May 14-17, 1998

American Association for Applied Linguistics Annured Speaker: Dr. Jeff Quinn, Director, English Centre, Sydney Institute of Technology. 1000 yen per day (members), 2000 yen per day (non-members). Tel/Fax(w) : 0427-78-8052. Tel(h): 0423 35-8049. E-mail: <>. Homepage: <>.

July 13-17, 1998

WorldCALL, the Inaugural World Conference of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. Contact: Fauth Royale & Associates Pty Ltd, P. O. Box 895, North Sydney NSW Australia 2060. Tel: +61-2-9954-4544. Fax: +61-2 9954-4964. E-mail: <>. Web Site: <>.

August 9-14, 1998

30th Annual LIOJ International Summer Workshop for Teachers of English. LIOJ/Asia Center Odawara, 4-14-1 Shiroyama, Odawara, Kanagawa, 250, Japan. Tel: 0465-23-1677. Fax: 0465-23-1688. E mail: <>.

October 17-18, 1998

1998 Korea TESOL Conference. Advancing Our Profession: Perspectives on Teacher Development and Education, Seoul, South Korea. Mail (do not fax) submission by May 15th, 1998, to: Korea TESOL, P. O. Box 391, Seo Taejon Post Office, Taejon, S. Korea 301 600. Tel: 82-42-255-1095. Fax: 82-42-255-1096. For more information, contact: Kirsten B. Reitan, KAIST, School of Humanities, 373-1 Kusongdong Yusonggu, Taejon, S. Korea 305 701. Tel (w): 82-42-869-4698. Fax: 82-42-869-4610. Tel (h): 82 42-869-4914. Cell phone: 011-458-6467 (in Korea only).

November 13-15, 1998

Seventh International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching: English(es) for the 21st Century. Sponsored by The English Teachers' Association (ETA--ROC) of Taiwan. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.

November 20-23, 1998

24th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching/Learning & Educational Materials Expo: Focus on the Classroom: Interpretations. Omiya Sonic City, Omiya, Japan. Contact JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Building, 5 Floor, 1-37-9, Taito, Taito ku, Tokyo 110 Japan. Tel: 03-3837-1630. Fax: 03-3837-1631.

January 21-23, 1999

19th Annual ThaiTESOL International Conference on Towards the New Millennium: Trends and Techniques. Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Contact Suchada Nimmanit at <> or at Tel/Fax: (66-2) 2186027.

Article copyright © 1998 by the author.
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Last modified: March 20, 1998
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